The magic of typography: Choosing the right fonts

The magic of typography: Choosing the right fonts


Typography plays a crucial role in conveying the personality, message, and professionalism of a website. When we write content for our website, we focus a lot on the message, and not give too many thoughts about the font. But did you know that fonts can impact how visitors perceive your content and even influence their behavior? In this blog, we will go through some fonts and their associations with different topics and how they can affect the overall experience on your website.

Serif Fonts: Timeless Elegance

Serif Fonts are mostly associated with tradition, authority and professionalism. Examples of Serif fonts are Times New Roman and Georgia. These are fonts that are a good fit for industries related to law, finance, academia etc. These are industries where creating a sense of reliability and trust play a huge role, and using Serif fonts is a great help to reflect this. 

Sans-Serif Fonts: Modern Simplicity

On the other hand, we have Sans-Serif fonts. Examples are Arial, helvetica & Open Sans. These fonts are rather modern and have a clean aesthetic. Industries that normally use these kinds of fonts are tech companies, startups, and websites targeting a younger audience. Sans-serif fonts do not only promote readability, but they also promote a contemporary feel. When your business has a modern character, these are the fonts you should consider for your website.

Script Fonts: Personal and Creative

Script fonts are very helpful to add a personal touch to your website. Examples of script fonts include Pacifico, Brush, Script & Lobster. These are ideal fonts for businesses related to art, fashion or lifestyle. Just keep in mind that you should use these kinds of fonts sparingly, as they sometimes may be challenging to read in large bodies of texts. 

Display Fonts: Bold and Eye-Catching

Display fonts are fonts that really grab the attention of a visitor. They work well in headlines and short texts. Examples of such fonts include Impact, Playbill & Bebas Neue. These fonts are a great fit for websites related to entertainment, events and marketing.

Monospaced Fonts: Technical Precision

Monospaced fonts are mostly associated with very technical content, as these fonts are characterised by equal spacing between characters. Think of websites related to tech, coding tutorials, software companies etc. These fonts are a great way to reflect precision and clarity. Examples of monospaced fonts include Courier New, Consolas. 

Now that we know that fonts are related to certain businesses, it is also important to know how they actually affect visitors.

How fonts affect your visitors

As straightforward as it sounds, fonts affect the readability and thus the accessibility of a website. As beautiful as some fonts are, they are not always optimal when it comes to readability. The purpose of our content is that it is being read, so make sure to choose a font that is readable on different devices and screen sizes. 

Branding and consistency is also of great importance. As we have read earlier, certain fonts align better with your business. Therefore, it is important to not only choose the right fonts, but use them consistently. This will make your website more polished to look at. 

To guide your customer through your website, it is important to differentiate between headings, subheadings and body texts by using font styles and sizes. This makes your website better structures, and it invites the visitor to read more. 

We learned that different fonts represent different topics and help reflect the true character of your business on your page. Being aware of this can empower you to make intentional choices that resonate with your audience, enhance readability and ultimately create more engagement. When it comes to encouraging engagement with your website, it is also important to keep the interactiveness and dynamics of your website in mind. Read more about it in our previous blog.

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